Sign the Pledge
On behalf of your constituents, sign the pledge to show your commitment to prevent child sexual abuse in your community.
Educate Your Fellow Political Leaders
Ask other representatives to sign the pledge and take action on this cause.
As a political leader, you have a vital role to help create comprehensive policy reform to prevent and combat child sexual abuse in the United States.
Promote training your Staff & Constituents
CSP has partnered with Darkness to Light to provide online training to those who have signed the pledge. These best-in-class trainings will equip everyone to become an aware parent or community member and an educated advocate.
Earmark Funding to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse in YSOs
Shamefully there has not been any nationally funded survey of Child Sexual Abuse in the United States in more than 15 years. Additionally the last real bill to be brought to congressional leaders was in 2005. It is time to step up to prevent thousands of more children becoming victims every year.
Use your voice.
Become a child safe ambassador, use your reach to spread the message of prevention.