No matter where we live, we seem to spend more time in our homes during the winter months.
It might be the cold weather keeping us inside or it might be less hours of sunlight. As parents and caregivers, there are certain things we should be on the lookout for to keep our families safe at home during the winter months.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Along with a full fire escape plan make sure that your home is equipped with carbon monoxide detectors. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, “in 2017, poison control centers reported 3,248 cases of carbon monoxide exposure in children 19 and under.” Carbon monoxide is known as the “silent killer” because it is an odorless, colorless, tasteless and flammable gas. It happens when certain fuels like coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas don’t burn completely. We might not know if we have faulty equipment in our homes that might produce carbon monoxide, but we can install carbon monoxide detectors that can alert us when levels reach an unhealthy level. When they go off, immediately evacuate your home, get fresh air and call for help.
Warming Up Our Cars
No one likes to get into a freezing cold car in the winter! With modern technology it is even easier to remote start your car and get the heater going. But before you do that, make sure your car is outside of the garage or that your garage door is open. Not doing so can allow a build up of carbon monoxide that can seep into your home.
Cooking and Celebrating
There are many special holidays and chances for family and friends to gather during the winter months. If party planning and preparation includes your children, be sure to read our post on Combining Tradition & Safety so that you can make kitchen time safer while building great memories and celebrating traditions.
Not all homes have fireplaces and those that do might have gas, wood, pellet or even propane sourced heating elements. Here are some great fireplace safety tips for families that you need to know about before cozying up to the fire. First and foremost on your safety checklist should be having your fireplace cleaned and inspected by a professional. This should be done on an annual basis, so if you haven’t done it yet, be sure to schedule one soon!
Remember to share these tips with all of those that will be around children. The more of us doing our part to keep kids safe, the better!
For more information on keeping your children safe during the winter months, read our Winter Safety Mini-Guide, Outdoors edition.
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